Something suspicious is going on with LinkedIn invitations. I’ve had about 5 of these invitations with the exact same text, but different profiles and photos:

The photos can be reverse-image search traced to other LinkedIn profiles with different names or pages from other people on the web.
The text opens with, “hi {name}, I am from Ukraine, just wanted to contact you and be in touch, maybe we could work together in the future.”
This was previously noticed by @larsjuhljensen:
The images from profiles are typically also found on other sites.

Liubov, or Sophia?
Who is the imposter in this case? (Recall “Liubov” from the first image.)

Kate, or Anna?
Below is another instance of the same type of profile, where the user’s image appears on another site with a different name.

Possible Explanations
It’s too early to draw any conclusions, but I’d be curious if others have ideas.
Some commonalities include:
- use of the Ukraine flag as a background
- profile sources somehow being connected with Moscow
- copied invitation text and About text in the profile
- a company mismatch in the profile
I’ve reached out to a couple people from this investigation and am waiting for replies.