Jetpack: anyone remember playing this 15-year-old DOS-based game? You could build your own levels where you navigate through mazes. I uploaded a couple of my own, created years ago for your enjoyment*

Download the above level to play it. While there are few enemies, this level will make you think.

If you really want to play the level above, here it is. Don’t be fooled by the lack of enemies, and get ready to have your patience tested – or, just give up now and avoid the pain! (updated 10/14/12 to fix a cheat)

Here’s another level (above) left by Vektor. Download here.
To play jetpack online, visit JetpackHQ.
Most difficult campaign award goes to Balmipour
Update: Balmipour (from the comments) has shared an extremely challenging campaign that will test the patience of any human. Download Balmipour’s full campaign here. Here are screenshots of the first 3 easiest levels in his campaign. To see the next levels (of increasing difficulty), you’ll just have to download the full campaign!
A new level from Balmipour!
Get ready for a “custom torture room.” Don’t try this one at home. Or do. You won’t be able to beat it, so here is the solution.

The Batcave
Here’s a new level created by ill4death. I have not beaten this level yet. Your comments on it are welcome! The author has posted the solution here